Northern part of the Chesapeake preparing for the C & D Canal

We left Solomon's on Memorial  Day and decided to make our final 100 miles north on the Chesapeake.  The next three days first took us to Herrington Harbor South Marina. 

Brent and I had visited here back in October when we were in the Annapolis area and really liked it.  Unfortunately it was another dismal day with highs in the mid 60s and cloudy so there was no using the wonderful water facilities that they had. In all the marinas that we have visited (that have had pools) we have swam in only one of them - not because we didn't want to but because it has been too cold!!

The photo above is of the marina layout at Herrington Harbor. It's a big place. We stayed on B Dock, side-tied on the long floating dock (just the kind we like).

Entrance channel into Herrington Harbor on the west side of the Chesapeake Bay.

At this marina they have cottages to rent too.

This is their beach that would have been wonderful to take advantage of if the weather would have been nicer.

We did make use of the chaise lounge chairs.

More cottages for rent.

It also has beautiful gardens to walk through or for weddings or other celebrations to take place.

This is a new addition since we were here in October.  Bar and restaurant named Marker 22.

Another 30ish miles took us to the east side of the Chesapeake Bay to Rock Hall, MD.

Mike's lobster dinner.

Wooden hammers for eating crabs.

Our third leg took us to Bohemia Bay to wait to be sure the weather and current conditions were right to go through the narrow C & D Canal. We had some visitors on the rocks outside our boat that were taking advantage of the little sunshine that peaked through the thick clouds. Yikes!!

More clouds!!

Another pool we didn't use.


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